Free board game for kids. Russian games on board. Free russian games with dice.

Free board game

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Free board game

      After throwing a cube the player should move his/her badge (clockwise) according to the number of scores on the cube.
      A simpler procedure for moving chips (badges) along the game paths can be organized by arrows (shown below).

Free board game

      If there are no boxes with values on the playing field [End], the game may be completed after the specified number of moves has been made. E.g. 100 moves.
      Then scoring is to take place. The player with a maximum number of scores is a winner. If there are players with equal number of scores additional 10 moves can be taken.

      Game Oflameron" easily adapted to the study of foreign languages - you just need to replace the values of cells on the letters of the English, Spanish, Russian, German or French alphabet ... Read more >>>>
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