Free board game
Initially the game "Oflameron" was only a card game. Its rules and cards have been known since 1902. Modern description of the game appeared in 1994.
Over the past period several variants of the game have been created including those without playing cards. E.g., a variant of the game in the form of a table drawn on a sheet of paper or the game with card boxes on a magnet board, etc.
All variants of the game are free. You can download or print any materials concerning the game, sell them, use for advertising purposes, create sites on the game, develop and sell cards and playing fields, etc.
All these can be performed for free. No approvals or payments are required.
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Android Java Developer - development of JAVA applications, classes, methods. Photo recorders, audio recorders, GPS and Network trackers, JAVA modules for smartphones UAV autopilots, high-quality Big Int PRNG (high-dimensional random number generators), large-dimensional prime number “generators”, RSA and AES encryption, working with SQLite, interface with instant messengers, application for studying foreign languages, HTML, PHP, VB, VBA.
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Free board game
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