Free board game for kids. Russian games on board. Free russian games with dice.

Free board game

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Free board game

      It is also possible to draw equal boxes outlining any square item with a marker (eraser, matchbox, Lego element, etc.), not only using a stencil. A straight stencil can be made of a wire.
      To draw on a white magnet board you can use special colored markers. If you want to create a professional playing set make playing boxes in the form of card-magnets (a playing set may be ordered in a printed products shop). Thus, it may be a wonderful gift.

Free board game

      If you have a A3 printer you can draw playing field boxes using MS Word and then print a necessary number of copies. Along with that or later before starting the game you can also put values of the boxes by hand.
      The process of preparation for the game - drawing of the playing field, putting values - may be useful for children, for it develops and solidifies skills in drawing, drafting, handicraft and basics of computer literacy.

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Free board game

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