Free board game for kids. Russian games on board. Free russian games with dice.

Free board game

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      One of the most unusual table games is "Oflameron". It has a great number of variants - on a sheet of paper, with special cards, in the form of a table with moving ranges of boxes, with card rows, it may be drawn on a board, etc.
      The game may arouse interest in children of 7-9 years and older. Also, it may be interesting for adults, if you give money for scores. In the course of the game you may get 4-7 thousand scores and win a large amount of money.

Free board game

Free board game

      General view of the playing field on the magnetic board. Boxes of the playing field are drawn with a stencil. Here small toys substitute gambling chips. If toys do not have magnets, the board with the playing field shall be placed horizontally (e.g. on the table).
      A complex playing field drawn on a large board looks very interesting!

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Free board game

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