Free board game
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To draw square boxes use a stencil, which you may by in office supplies shops. If there is no a stencil it is possible to draw a square on a carton and then scissor it out. At a pinch, playing field boxes may be drawn "by hand". In no case it will affect the game.
To draw on a white magnet board use special markers to prevent damage of the surface.
Free board game
On the stencil back you may find small pieces of a scotch tape that is needed to .prevent the drawn frames from smudging with a stencil when drawing a complex field. The scotch tape is not needed to be pasted when drawing on a sheet of paper.
A complex playing field drawn on a large board looks very interesting!
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Android Java Developer - development of JAVA applications, classes, methods. Photo recorders, audio recorders, GPS and Network trackers, modules for UAV autopilots, high-quality Big Int PRNG (high-dimensional random number generators), large-dimensional prime number “generators”, RSA and AES encryption, working with SQLite, interface with instant messengers, application for studying foreign languages, HTML, PHP, VB, VBA.
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Free board game
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