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Free board game Oflameron

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      Game "Oflameron" easy to use for
learning foreign languages. Just replace cell values to letters of the English alphabet.

Free board game

      Replace the contents of the cells of the game field with the letters of the English alphabet. Here is an example of a simple playing field:

Learn foreign languages

      Players get translate of 10-15 English words. Then the players put their chips on any cell of the playing field. Write the letter of the English alphabet from a busy cell.
      Players then roll the dice throw. And move your chips clockwise as many cells as points that fell on the game cube. Write new English letters, throw the dice, move the pieces, write letters, etc.
      When the English letters will be typed a lot of them can be English words (translation which was asked before the game). Who was the English word, he won.
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      Android Java Developer - development of JAVA applications, classes, methods. Photo recorders, audio recorders, GPS and Network trackers, modules for UAV autopilots, high-quality Big Int PRNG (high-dimensional random number generators), large-dimensional prime number “generators”, RSA and AES encryption, working with SQLite, interface with instant messengers, application for studying foreign languages, HTML, PHP, VB, VBA.
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